What's a Hashtag? #twitterhelp

Hashtags have become one of the most integral parts of social media. Twitter popularized them, but now they can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and others. Everyone uses them. But what are the best ways to use them effectively for business?

A hashtag is, put simply, a word or phrase written after a # sign. Anyone who clicks on a hashtag will be able to see a feed of every post that includes that hashtag. So, it’s a way for users to be able to find what people are saying about a given topic. They’re an instrumental way of reaching your audience while also encouraging discussion and community among potential and existing customers. Here are three basic tips for using hashtags to their full advantage:


1. Make sure it’s unique. #OneAndOnly

If your hashtag is a common phrase or word, its feed is going to be clogged with unrelated posts. Before implementing a hashtag, search for it on Twitter or Instagram and see who is already using it.

2. Engage with users. #FollowBack

Check your hashtag’s feed to see what people are posting, and respond frequently. It’s beneficial to see how your audience is responding to your hashtags – positively or negatively.

3. Use it everywhere. #NotJustForTwitterAnymore

Like I said before, hashtags are being used on just about every social media platform. Use your hashtags consistently to maximize their effectiveness.